Grit Aulitzky Lucie Freyenhagen Deborah Geppert Tine Günther Gene Hünninger Antje Meichsner Allegra Rout Theresa Tuffner Johanna Seidel

Sound / Radiosendung

https://soundcloud.com/theresa-tuffner-352845668/spirit-center-radiotalk?utm_ source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

The project started in August 2021 in Saxon Switzerland near the Czech border and lasted four days.
During the symposium we, a group of 9 artists, dealt with different questions. For example: How can we break away from conventional exhibition concepts to allow for new visions? A pool of knowledge was created, which was a kind of supervision for freelance artists and at the same time stimulated the creation of new works. These meetings are a metamorphosis, a process within the group of participants, which is revealed on the spot by the participants and sometimes comes to light in a concrete way. We experimented with mindfulness exercises as a way to create art, to focus our feelings on what is good for us, and to share mindfulness in order to create a community. We decided not to use an institutional space or location in the art context. Despite the open approach, it was important to us to have a protected and intimate space that allowed for natural freedom.

What is the Spirit Centre?

An attempt to rethink conventional curatorial and exhibition practices through an intensive exchange.
An energy that leads to a dematerialised hybrid, a potential new work (the medium is free).
It was/is a metamorphosis that is carried within us.
Non-repeatable, unique personal experiences and moments of the participants are also perceived within
the group as an artistic act.
The Spirit Centre has become a collective platform for autonomous self-awareness in an artistic context, but it is currently evading art contextual and institutional locations. Through this immersive symposium, we moved more and more towards each other, which worked quite well energetically in the situation, an attempt to fill each other with stability and strength.